I have discovered that most of the moms are considering their sleepless nights as a part of motherhood. So many mothers tend to stay awake during nights and even days in order to keep an eye on their precious newborns or search for any other reasons to attend them. However, motherhood is not “a Payment Option” for sleepless nights!
Moms fully dive into “the ocean of sacrifice” without realizing that they are unnecessarily harming themselves!
“Mother” – is the most difficult job in the world, even if not everyone is admitting it. Moms don’t get vacations, days “off” or upgrades. In fact, their salary is the well-being of their children. More children the mother has, more responsible she becomes and more working hours she does. So, which job in the world could have more responsibilities than that?!
I would like to stress that in order to provide the best care for our youngsters, we need to take care of ourselves first! All mothers should not forget to have their fully deserved rest for the hard work done. All of us need to sleep, so we can perform well the next day! We need to rest so we can have a new energy to start another important day! We need to eat well, so we are healthy and can function well. Why?
Since our children lives are kept in our own hands, we should remember ourselves before we take care of our children!
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