Success Stories!

تعرفت على اوسرا بمحض الصدفة حينما كنت أريد أن أحل مشاكل النوم لدى ابنتي ..حيث كنت ابحث في قوقل عن مدربة نوم وبالصدفة دخلت الى موقعها وتعرفت على خدماتها.. وفالحقيقة لم اكن مقتنعه تمام الاقتناع انها ستستطيع مساعدتي.. بالنسبة لي مشكلة ابنتي كانت مستحيلة الحل في نظري.. ابنتي ترضع رضاعة طبيعيه وكل الامهات اللاتي يرضعن رضاعة طبيعيه يعلمن مأساة الليل والاستيقاظ المتكرر لطلب الرضاعه.. كانت ابنتي تستيقظ فالليلة الواحدة قرابة خمس مرات مما كان يصيبني بالاجهاد الشديد وخصوصا أأنني امرأة عاملة .. كانت حياتي بائسة فقلة النوم كانت تجعلني مكتئبة طوال اليوم ولا استطيع القيام بواجباتي تجاه أبنائي في النهار بسبب قلة النوم.. بالاضافة الى تأثر حياتي الاجتماعيه كثيرا وتدهور صحتي بسبب الاجهاد.. وبالفعل بدأنا التدريب مع أوسرا التي كانت شديدة الحرص على أن تعرف كافة التفاصيل الخاصة بطفلتي.. ووضعت حطة خاصة بطفلتي.. لديها حس مسؤولية كبير وخبرة واسعة في مجالها.. معلوماتها ثرية وخبرتها عميقة.. وأكثر ما اسعدني انها فعلا تتابع عن كثب خطوة بخطوة.. والحمدلله حصدنا تغيير ايجابي قوي في نوم طفلتي من ثاني ليلة وبعد الانتهاء من التدريب ابنتي تنام جيدا ليلة متواصلة بالاضافة الى تحسن ملحوظ جدا في اقبالها على الاكل بعدما كانت شهيتها شبه معدومه.. بالاضافة الى تغيير في سلوكها بعد ان كاانت شديدة التوتر والبكاء بسبب قلة النوم.. أنصح كل ام تعاني من مشاكل نوم طفلها أن تتخذ خطوة إيجابية في سبيل راحتها وراحة طفلها .. فالمستحيل ??أصبح ممكنا الآن مع أوسرا
Hanan Alhammadi, Mother of Salama – 10 Months Old (UAE) 

“I would like to thank Ausra for changing our life. She did a miracle to us. My 3 months old daughter Dana was sleepless. We were all so exhausted. My daughter was sleeping only when she was being breastfed. She was waking up so many times every night. She was rejecting to nap. I was spending hours trying to put her to sleep. I was sleepless.
Ausra has saved my life by teaching Dana to become an independent sleeper. She saved my marriage and my career. Being a doctor myself I am aware of the importance of sleep and the dangers of sleep deprivation. However, we, doctors, never learn how to prevent it and how to actually recognize it.
Before I started the sleep training, my marriage was going through a really hard time. We couldn’t focus on ourselves and we thought our baby was crying because of colic pain. Even though Dana looked tired and very sleepy, we couldn’t relate it to sleep deprivation. I did not know how to help my baby to fall asleep. I used to spend hours trying to do different things. Dana was tired all the time and I didn’t know what was wrong with her. I was so sleep-deprived myself and couldn’t focus on my work. I was late for my work and couldn’t concentrate during my working hours.
Thanks to Allah that I found Ausra. My life is so much different now. Dana is following a healthy lifestyle routine now and is sleeping very well. During the sleep-training, Dana started sleeping through the night. She is sleeping through the night even now, which is a miracle to all of us. Now, my marriage life is great. I have time for me and my husband. My career life has improved. Our daughter seems so much happier during the day. She is well rested, falls asleep by herself without any assistance. I wish I have started this sooner. Thank you again for this miracle!”
Dr. Roaa Ghandoor, Mother of Dana (3- Months Old), Saudi Arabia
“It’s a great program. I didn’t realize that my daughter Dana was sleep deprived and I’m so thankful to you for your help… Dana is so active and energetic now and she is sleeping so well!”
Dr. Rami Gabani, Father of Dana, (3-Months Old), Bahrain 

Its been an amazing experience.. best program to train your baby to sleep regularly with an amazing person who supports you 100% through this journey. I struggled for 8 months with my baby’s sleeping habits but within 2 weeks of this great program.. my baby is sleeping for 12 hours straight by her self with no crying. Love you Ausra for your help and support. God bless you. I so recommend it to every mom ❤👍
Dr. Rawan Jamal, A Mother of Masa, 8-Months Old (Iraq) 

قبل ما اولد أحمد حاولت اقرأ واثقف نفسي في كل شي ممكن (رضاعة طبيعية، اكل البيبي، العاب الاطفال الي تنمي مهاراتهم ، وغيره) بس ابدا ما جا في بالي اني اقرأ عن “نوم البيبي “!!وبعد الولادة ب ٣ شهور بدأ الموضوع يصير معاناه ، تعبت و أحمد حقيقي اتعذب من قلة النوم وأنا مع الدوام كنت تقريبا زومبي الصباح دوام وارجع من الدوام العصر وعليها ل ثاني يوم مع احمد مواصلة وبعدها اروح الدوام وهكذا!!لما وصل أحمد ٤ شهور ونص تقريبا نصحتني قريبتي الجميلة الله يسعدها إني اتواصل مع (استشارية نوم أطفال) وهنا بدأت المغامرة هل فعلا في شي زي كدا ؟!
وبدأت ابحث في الموضوع وادور واعمل مكالمة استشارة مجانية لمدة ٥ دقائق مع كل وحدة مع الاسف كنت احاول افهمهم انو أحمد مرة عنيد واني جربت كل شي وانه مابينام ابدا والكل كان جوابهم نحاول ونجرب ومرة ماتقبلت الرد بعدها شفت وحده من زميلاتي لها تجربة في الموضوع وكلمتها وحمستني و فعلا كلمت الرائعه (أُسرى).
المكالمة حق الاستشارة كانت جدا مطمئنة إنسانه فاهمه وداعمة وقلبها جميل دعمتني جدا في أصعب الايام ورغم انو أول يومين كانوا جدا صعبين بسبب عناد أحمد وتعب جسمه بسبب قلة النوم إلا انها كانت معايا٢٤ ساعه ومن أول يوم نام فيه بدأت اشوف الفرق يضحك ويلعب وبدأ يقلب حقيقي من أول يوم الكل لاحظ الفرق فكرة نوم الطفل بدون وسائل زي مثلا( الهز و اللهاية والرضاعة) دا بحد ذاته راحة للأم وللطفل كمان لأن البيبي يصير مايحتاج يصحى يدور على الوسيلة الي نام بيها خلال تقريبا عشر أيام انقلبت حياتنا ١٨٠ درجة .
أحمد نومه اتعدل وبدأ يتطور نموه ويتحسن موده ونحن حياتنا كمان ابتسمت .. اعصابي هديت و صار عندنا وقت نذاكر وننام و نجلس مع بعض ونحن متطمنين على أحمد انه مرتاح ونايم اتعلمت من أسرى اشياء كتير حقيقي علم كبير ماكنت اعرف عنه اي شي واهم شي اتعلمته انو فعلا من اول يوم في حياة البيبي الساعة البايولوجية حقته مهمه لازم الصباح يعرف انو صباح ويشوف نور الشمس ويسمع الازعاج واللمة والليل هدوء ونور خافت وبدون ازعاج عشان يقدر يفرق ويقدر يساعدكم البيبي في تنظيم نومه تجربتي مع أسرى كانت جميلة ب جمال قلبها ووقفتها ودعمها و شرحها وأحلى شي اللمسة اللطيفة والتفاصيل الحلوة الي تتمثل في أول شهادة تخرج لأحمد❤️❤️❤️ وماسابتني احتار في نهاية الاسبوعين اعطتني تفاصيل للتصرف السليم في الحالات المتوقعه زي مثلا التسنين و السفر والتعب شكرا من القلب أسرى شكرا جزيلا من أحمد ومننا كلنا.
Dr. Salma Bedair, Mother of Ahmad – 5 months old, ( Egypt) 

I am a mother of a 5 and a half years old girl, precious baby, at the same time I am a doctor! I thought I would be knowing everything in life and how to deal with whatever obstacles I’ll face, reality was the opposite, I suffered from post partum depression because of many reasons and one of them is very important which is lack of sleep!
I kept on suffering for the last whole 5 years, I wasn’t professional or educated enough about how to let a child sleep! I can treat children and their diseases indeed but I don’t know how to help them sleep!!!
I read many books, I watched many videos ! But I haven’t had the proper background experience ! Until a friend of mine few weeks ago told me about sleep consultation and how much it helped her with her two kids! I thought that this is impossible! No one will know my child better than me! I was hopeless and my life was hazardous and my daughter was giving me hard time . I was hesitated should I start this sleep training program? Would it help? Would there be any difference or any benefit?
Until I decided to have a step forward and insisted to do it , so I contacted Ausra!
And what can I say!! Thank god billions of times that I’ve did such a step! Once I’ve started the process, weeeeef !!!! A magic wand !
It wasn’t easy actually ! But I wouldn’t be able to do it without Ausra’s help and guidance! She was there with me!
I was able to do the right steps because of her directions ! I knew what are the wrong behaviors and how to correct it so my kid will be able to sleep properly! She put a whole complete plan that matched my child personality.
Ausra gave me the juice that worked like a potion, a 3 weeks trip day by day guidance, checking , following plans , sticking to consistency that I wouldn’t know that I have it!! It worked from 1st day!! MAGIC!
My daughter is able to sleep by her self! And what made me the happiest ?!!! My daughter is sleeping the whole night! The whole 11-12 hours!! Waking up mashalla in a wonderful mood!
I was able to have joyful time with her without shouting or screaming or being stressed! I have never imagined that sleep training courses would affect the whole day behavior and change it to better!! And actually to the best! I certainly realized that changing the sleep behavior and the sleep training is not only affecting sleeping ! It’s affecting the whole personality actions and reactions!! It’s also a matter of learning manners that are applied in the bed time routine that is also applicable for every routine during the day and would last while the child is growing.
For both me and my kid! It trained us to be more happy, calmer, and to enjoy more! She’s listening to me now and no more tantrums!!!
Ausra!! You were there for me! You helped a lot! Your effort during these 3 weeks are priceless compared to the result I have now!
Thank you for letting my daughter to sleep well and enjoy it! Thank you for giving me my life back! Thank you for helping me allowing my self to enjoy it more! Thank you the most for letting me be able to enjoy my daughter ! Watching her peacefully growing up and well behaving ! And above all enjoying!!
I’ve always said that happiness is not an end result!! It’s a journey that we go through!! It’s life!! And guess what?! You made my life a happy journey finally! Now I have my sanity back! May Allah bless your soul!!
I am going to miss you! And thank you is not enough ! And yes!! Please be there to train me to help my second child to have the happiest sleep ever once he/she will be 4 months old!! I need the existence of the beauty of sleeping and what comes with it, and I’ll start planning for it sooner.
Love, Dr. Weam, Mariam’s mom
Dr. Weam Alshora, Mother of Mariam – 5 years and half old, ( Saudi Arabia) 

When I was told by my wife that there is a sleep trainer online I was skeptic. No one had a magical stick to make our baby sleep online.
Me and my wife are physicians, and we believe in science and evidence based facts, and in short term YES, it is science and it just worked like a magic with no magic!
To be honest the best thing happened to our baby is Ausra and her sleep training. Believe it or not, everybody needs it, even if your think that your baby is sleeping well -as we thought- you will discover the opposite.
I observed our baby girl before and after this program and in my opinion there are some great results not only in sleeping and I’ll explain it :
Sleeping : we started at age of 5 months, for the first time I saw my baby in the morning happy and smiling, with puffy happy face 🙂 as a result of deep sleep.
She succeed to sleep all night without any interruption. Before this program we used to struggle with our baby just to make her sleep with the famous weapons: swaddle, pacifier, white noise, and touching.
I never imagined that we can make her sleep without these weapons 😉
I can’t imagine that she will forget that pacifier in 2 days only. It was her precious 😉
She is sleeping by herself now! Magic! Simply by King of Sleep!
Mood : this is the best part, after 2 weeks of this training our baby is really in a good mood all day, her personality is better and we enjoy this new mood.
Health : I don’t like to exaggerate but to make it short, before this program we consume a lot of gas relief medication and gripe water just to relax our baby, Literally we didn’t give her single medication after this program.
Ausra is professional and patient, she understands the stress of parenting and she cares. She is available whenever we need her. Step by step your experience will increase with her daily meetings.
If you thought that you can read some articles and watch some videos to make your baby sleep well and save some money, let me tell you, This is not enough. Every baby is unique, and Ausra is doing deep analysis by questionnaire and then creates a tailored plan especially designed for your baby. And the great thing is that this plan worked like a charm!
Cons: everything good has cons. The major con for me now is that I miss my baby:-) she is sleeping and getting her required sleep, and I really miss her during sleeping hours.
If you think that Ausra will give you some medications or magic stick, you are wrong, this program requires some work and commitment but the results are really impressive and worth it!
Don’t think twice and give your baby and yourself the best gift you can make ever!
Dr. Atta Barodi, Father of Yousra and Dr. Reham, Mother of Yousra – 5 months old, ( Saudi Arabia) 

This is an excellent sleep training program. My 19m old baby learned to sleep long hours instead of the interrupted sleep, which was disturbing for the baby and the parents.
Ausra is a very helpful person who provided best guidance throughout. 👌
Dr. Razan Adil, Mother of Father of Yahya – 19 months old, ( Sudan) 

The first time I heard about Ausra was when my baby was 4 months old. At that time I thought I can manage and it’s not a big deal that I’m not sleeping .
By the time my baby was 10 months old I was at the edge of madness , for 10 months I didn’t have a well rested sleep. So, I contacted Ausra , and it was the best thing I did .
The first call was scary for me , but Ausra’s confidence gave me confidence , She was sure that we will fix my baby’s sleep .
I was worried how long it’ll take to fix my baby’s sleep , she told me 2 nights , I didn’t believe it at first .
The first night we started the program I was really stressed , but Ausra was there the whole time , and my baby slept without breastfeeding and I slept for the first time since 10 months .
In the next days my baby slept without crying , thank’s God! (AlhamduleAllah) And I had time for myself.
My baby started to be more active, we bonded so much better , and I became a happier and a better mom . .
Day by day my baby’s sleep got better and she became more active and happier .
I started to be calmer , less stressed , and enjoy the time I spend with my baby..
The best thing in this journey is Ausra. She is supportive, understanding , and available all the time .
My life became so much better. I sleep better, I study and I’m more confident with my baby .
Thank you Ausra .. you literally saved my life !
Dr. Dania Eskandarani, the Mother of Layan, 10-month’s old (Saudi Arabia)

Meerah is 1 year and 4 months and to put her in bed at night she needed to drink milk or have pacifier. Sometimes she even used to cry in bed with me. She was waking up 2 or 3 times during the night to drink milk and always needed pacifier.
After doing program with Ausra, Meerah sleeps continuously for 12 to 13 hours in her bedroom without needing milk or a pacifier.
This program helped me to understand my baby much better. Now the relationship between us is stronger. She started to sleep well, eat well and develop well.
Before I was believing that the motherhood means struggling and having sleepless nights.
Now I know that motherhood can be so much fun. No more preparing milk at night. No more crying at night.
I thank Ausra from the bottom of my heart for bringing peace back to my life!
Fatima Alhameli. the Mother of Meerah, 1 year and 4 Month’s Old (United Arab Emirates)

Dear Ausra, I would like to thank you for your wonderful support from all my heart!
Thanks to you I got my sleep back! Thanks to you, my husband got his sleep back and my daughter is finally sleeping through the night! For 13 months I was so desperate to get my proper rest. I was so exhausted… Our daughter Emilija was sleeping with me and was breastfeeding 6 times during a night since her birth. She was eating so little during the day. My marriage was also badly affected. I did not have any time to spend with my husband. I was becoming so depressed…Honestly, I was afraid of the idea of sleep training. As I did not know what else I can try, I decided to try the sleep training. Ausra was very confident and once I explained my problem to her she showed me empathy and was certain that we can solve it. I felt so relieved. Contacting Ausra was the best choice I have made! After the first night I could not believe that Emilija could sleep alone in her own bed and without me. It was a miracle to me! She learned to sleep independently just in few days! Emilija sleeps through the night now without any wake ups. She is also eating much better during the day. She feels more energized and happier than ever. Finally, I have time even to spemd with my husband. I would not be able to do this without Ausra’s Knowledge and support. Thanks again!
Liveta, Mother of Emilija – 13 Months Old (Lithuania) 

Our 2-year’s old daughter had issues sleeping through the night. We approached Ausra when things were out of control. She was waking up 5 to 10 times at night.
She was really dependent on me at night. We were co-sleeping, and she would wake up the moment I got out of my bed.
With Ausra’s help and guidance we managed to solve this issue. Now our daughter goes to sleep on her own and goes back to sleep on her own even if she wakes up at night. I never thought this would be possible as she is really smart and was really demanding when we started sleep training.
We saw amazing results within the first couple of days!
I highly recommend Ausra to anyone struggling with their baby’s or child’s sleep.
Rizma Palathingal, Mother of Samara – 2 Year’s Old (India) 

تخيلوا واخيرا، بعد معاناه ٨ اشهر مع توأم بدون نوم، ومع نكد متواصل، وارهاق الي، ولكل البيت، فجاه نامو ١٢ ساعه متواصلة ليلًا، وتلات ساعات قيلولتين يا جماعة، والله اني افتح لعيوني واشكر الله، وارجع انام، ما تخيلت انو .هالمعاناه ممكن كان في يوم تنتهي
بعد تلات اسابيع من البرنامج اولادي صارو كتير مرتاحين، ووجوهم مفتحه، وصحتهم احسن بالف مره، وكتير .مرحين، بيعرف كل واحد فيهم يلعب وينبسط من دون ما اكون انا موجوده طول الوقت
بلشوا التنين يمشوا بمساعده الاشياء؛ يعني يمسكو بالطاوله او الكنب ويمشو وكمان تركيزهم معي كتيييير زاد، وصرنا .نقدر نعمل انشطه، واحنا مرتاحين ومبسوطين
.اكلهم اتحسن ورضاعتهم تحسنت كتييييير ماشاءالله
.انا اللي متاكده منو هو ازا نوم الطفل صح كل اشي هيكون صح ومريح وممتع
.في الحياه king of sleep شكرا لوجود 🤩🤩
Ayah Jarrar, Mother of twins: Ayla and Mousa – 9 Month’s Old (Palestine) 

Before speaking to Ausra, I was going through major PPD and it was mainly due to lack of sleep. I was very hesitant and nervous to start sleep training since I was going through a very tough time with my baby’s sleep.
She was going through the 4 months sleep regression and I was trying to wean her off the swaddle. At that point she was waking up 6 times during the night to feed. I felt like I was losing myself and my social life.
After pulling the trigger and hiring Ausra, my baby slept through the night within a week, which felt like a miracle. I couldn’t believe that such thing is possible. I thought I would have to spend the first year of my baby’s life with continuous night wakings.
I would totally recommend Ausra to any struggling parents. She literally changed my life and my perspective on motherhood.
I wish I did this earlier!
Now I can enjoy my time with my baby as I am much happier and she is much happier! I cannot put to words how thankful I am to Ausra.
Fakhra Alzaabi, mother of Reem ( 4 month’s old) ( United Arab Emirates) 

I would like to thank Ausra for her honorable job and services she offers to tired moms.
She did an amazing job to me and my daughter Maitha. I can’t thank her enough.
What I noticed and really made me appreciate the program even more is when Maitha got sick on the third day. When she slept that night I remember that I took her only once to give her medicine, and after that she slept for 10 hours straight and woke up the next day almost healed! I was surprised that sleeping straight made her recover so fast.
What I liked most about Ausra apart from the amazing job, is that she listens well to me and was available whenever I needed her. I highly appreciated it.
She prepared me well for the program; we did Zoom meeting and discussed the sleeping plan written for my daughter.
Thank you Ausra, and wish you all the best!
Alanoud Al Hameli, the Mother of Maitha, 9-month’s old (United Arab Emirates) 

The level of support I got while sleep training my baby with Ausra was more than great and that is what sets her apart from other sleep consultants.
As a mother you tend to doubt yourself a lot when you hear your baby crying but having Ausra’s support through out the process was exactly what I needed.
I am so grateful now that my baby is sleeping through the night and it is all because of Ausra!
Shayma Almazrouie, Mother of Shamsa – 3 Month’s Old (United Arab Emirates) 

I had a very difficult time after the birth of my baby girl until she became 5 months old and struggled with her sleep. She didn’t sleep properly at night / day time and she was waking every 1 hour for feeding. Actually, I didn’t know at that time how to let her sleep except providing her a bottle of milk or rocking her until I found the magic solution with King of Sleep.
Thanks God (Alhamdla) we achieved our goal of teaching my baby sleep on her own. I saw so many positive results after 3 days of starting the program.
Ausra was very supportive and she was with me whenever I needed her.
Now, I know what I have to do and what my baby needs from me, when and why.
Thank you very much Ausra. I really recommend every mother who struggles with her baby sleep to work with Ausra.
After working with Ausra, I became a confident mother and I know how to deal with my baby, Now I understand my baby better and I can handle her easily.
Now my daughter is sleeping through the night and I can have my own time which I really missed during my first 5 months with her.
Thanks a lot again,
Amal Al Hammadi. the Mother of Maha, 5-month’s old (United Arab Emirates) 

Ausra is very supportive and understanding Sleep Consultant. Not only she supported me through the process of sleep training, but also gave me so much emotional support.
Ausra knows what she’s doing and does it right. She was with me through it all and even afterwards.
One of the greatest decisions I took when I hired Ausra.
I was able to go back to my routine and got back doing the things that I enjoyed. Sleep training is not a temporary thing. It’s a life style and a life changer!
I highly recommend hiring Ausra. Mothers will understand that they don’t have to suffer from not sleeping at night. My baby sleeps 12 hours straight and wakes up happy and ready to start her day.
Maha Alhameli, the Mother of Hessa, 1-Year Old (United Arab Emirates) 

I honestly thought my baby’s sleep will never be fixed! I felt helpless and miserable, but then came Ausra with all her support. Now my son is sleeping through the night and we have no more sleeping struggles.
I will forever be grateful. 🙏❤️
Afrah Alshamsi. the Mother of Khaled, 4-month’s old (United Arab Emirates) 

Our experience with Ausra was great, she was very supportive, helpful and sympathetic from our very first talk.
She guided us every step of the way in an accurate manner. She’s a caring and knowledgeable person and always ready to answer our queries.
Thanks to her our one year old daughter learnt to fall asleep by herself and sleep through the night.
Maria Di Somma, Mother of Keyla, 1-Year-Old (Italy)

Ausra was simply amazing! We had been struggling for several months with very short naps and a lot of wake ups in the night. Isabella needed to be completely asleep on us before she could be put into the crib.
Honestly, I was hesitant initially because I genuinely couldn’t see how someone could help us via whatsapp and Zoom.
Let’s just say, I was wrong!
Already by day one we saw some positive changes. Ausra clearly explained her method and was there to support us every step of the way. She is so kind and experienced and her follow up support was incredible!
Now Isabella puts herself to sleep and sleeps through until the morning!
Highly, highly recommend to any parents!
Tarryn Miccoli, the mother of Isabella, 6-month’s old (New Zealand & Italy)

At one year old, Ilyana had slept every night of her life, and almost every nap of her life, in bed with her mother. At first a great joy for mommy, over time it was becoming increasingly more difficult to put Ilyana down for sleep. She was requiring more and more attention, singing, and rocking. Moreover, she was starting to wake up multiple times during the night. It was clear this was not a realistic or sustainable situation for mommy or daddy. Sleep deprivation for us was having an impact on many areas of life, and the situation seemed almost unsolvable.
We reached out to Ausra. She was immediately responsive and very professional and caring. We were skeptical, but she was confident at the outset that we would find a quick solution to everyone’s satisfaction, and she was absolutely right. Ausra was very thoughtful and diligent with her ongoing support and follow through. We achieved all of our goals: (1) to have Ilyana sleep the whole night in her crib; (2) to have Ilyana sleep in her own room; and (3) to get our own sleeping patterns back on track.
In a very short time, Ilyana now naps on her own without any problems and sleeps twelve hours a night. The results exceeded our expectations. Thank you so much, Ausra. We highly recommend you!
Souad & David, Parents of Ilyana, 1-Year Old (Tunisia & Canada)

This program literally changed my life and my marriage. I never thought that I could put my baby in her crib and that she would fall asleep by herself. By night 2 of the program my daughter was sleeping through the night, all night without waking up. No words are enough to describe how amazing Ausra is. She’s kind, supportive and works from the heart. The program is worth every penny and even more, it is truly priceless. I don’t think anyone could have helped us as much as Ausra did, i will forever be grateful to her for changing my life.
Haya Naser Aldeen, Mother of Maha – 5 Months Old (Palestine)
I never imagined my daughter putting herself to sleep 5 minutes after putting her in the crib. This was amazing, I did not believe that my daughter will sleep through the whole night. Amazing program and amazing results
Nidal Alhaj Hasan, Father of Maha – 5 Months Old (Palestine) 

I’m very happy and thankful for dealing with Ausra from King of Sleep who changed my life and made it much easier and happier.
My 5-months-old daughter was sleeping during the day and staying awake during the night. I suffered a lot and I was hardly getting any sleep. I was exhausted and in bad mood for most of the time. Hardly having time for anything reached to depression!
When I started the program with Ausra (King of Sleep) in the first few days everything changed and improved. I noticed a lot of positive changes.
The best thing is that now my baby sleeps through the night and wakes up in the morning. Her feedings are much better and organized. This helped me a lot in my life.
Words are not enough to express how thankful I am!
Thank you dear Ausra, you did a great job! You are very supportive, cooperative and explain everything clearly, listening to very well and resolving any sleep-related problem in a very good way, spreading happiness to the kids and families .
I recommend you to every family in need for their child sleep training for sure.
S. Eida. the Mother of Mira, 5-month’s old , (Palestine)

First of all, I would like to recommend Ausra to all other parents having problems related to children sleep. She is professional, understanding and very supportive.
She supported and motivated us even when we were about to give up. Our 1-year old daughter Guste kept waking up all the time especially at night. It was terrible. We were all so exhausted.
Luckily, we heard about Ausra from a person, who already has used her services and solved all the problems. Ausra quickly understood our situation and has taught us how we can solve it.
We are very happy that we have chosen her service. Guste became a great sleeper. Now she sleeps through the night, falls asleep by herself and regularly. We all have gained a lot. Now I have much more free time for myself and for my husband.
Thanks a lot! I wish we could have done that sooner!
Zivile, Donatas & Guste, 1 Year Old, (Lithuania) 

Feeling week, restless, impatient, angry and exhausted…
That is how almost every new mother feels like. That is how I also was feeling not long ago. Klaudia – my little 3 months old adorable daughter used to sleep, eat and rest on my breast all day long. Our family’s nights were disturbed from her crying and day naps were impossible without me next to her. We were all sleep deprived and I wanted to change that. Luckily, I have met Ausra, who introduced to me a perfect sleeping plan for Klaudia by taking in consideration all aspects of our family’s life. Ausra was very professional. She was answering all our questions and was very confident and reassuring. After 2 nights of sleep training Klaudia has slept through the night! I was speechless! Klaudia’s naps also became more regular and longer. Ausra has taught me many things, which help me until today. I was never aware that sleep routine, consistency in sleep preparation and room environment play a key role in sleep teaching process. Ausra has also taught me how to read baby’s body language in order to know the right time for sleeping. Now, Klaudia is a very happy child. She is very active during the day and knows that my breast is only for feeding and not for sleeping. Now, anyone can put my daughter to the bed and she will sleep throughout the night without anybody’s help. I recommend Ausra’s sleep training methods to all mothers who struggle with their child’s sleep. Huge Thank You from all of us!
Jolita, Hussein, Parents of Klaudija – 3 Months Old (Germany)

من بديت البرنامج ويا الرائعة اسرى ، مجنت اعاني من مجرد تعب وقلة نوم وارهاق الي ولطفلتي ، جنت اعاني من خوف اتخاذ القرار الصحيح الي بمصلحة عائلتي و جنت ضعيفة امام رغبات طفلتي الي متعرف مصلحتها. بس هسه بكل فخر اقدر اقول ويا دعم اسرى قدرت اتحكم بمشاعري و اتخذ الخطوة الي بصالح مستقبل بنتي وعائلتي بالاضافة الى حصول بنتي على ١٢ ساعة نوم متواصلة بدون قلق وارق . البرنامج يغير حياة بأكملها ، بالبداية ممكن تحسون الموضوع مستحيل يكمل بس مثل ما اني كملته انتو هم تقدرون تكملون ، اسرى شخص غير مادي ومتفاني بعمله تنطي من وقتها اكثر من المطلوب و تشتغل بشغف وتستحق ثقة المقابل وبجدارة. كلش انصحكم تتخذون الخطوة وتبدون وياها البرنامج ب اسرع وقت راح تتعلمون هواية امور بالاضافة لتدريب طفلكم عالنوم . شكراً اسرى على كلشي دائماً ممتنة الج و اكيد حنرجع نشتغل ويا البيبي الجاي ان شاءالله
Noor Salah, A Mother of Haya, 7-Months Old (Iraq) 

Ausra is a life saver!
The hardest part of parenting for me always was kids’ sleep . Thanks to Ausra’s professional support its no longer the case. My son (16 months old) slept through the night after 5 days of sleep training and that’s just the way he always sleeps now, its still unbelievable to me.
Its not easy, but thanks to Ausra’s constant support it was quick and rewarding. Thank you, Ausra!
Daria Alfahed, Mother of Yousef – 16 Months-Old (Russia) 

Ausra was extremely kind and so patient with me and my son Rayan. She guided us through every step of the way, and we were surprised by how fast we saw results (from day 1!).
I was very hesitant to sleep train given his reflux problems and his frequent night feeds, but she helped Rayan achieve a good night sleep, excellent naps, and best of all, he feeds great now! Thank you so much, we love you!!
Zain Nizameddin, Mother of Ryan – 5 Months-Old (Canada/Syria)

Before Ausra was recommended to us, we tried a lot (unsuccessfully) on our own for our youngest, almost two year old son. Having three children, we thought we could manage on our own but were mistaken. Sleep-deprived and worn out we finally had an introductory call with Ausra and we established trust with her, for her model and went ‘all in’.
With true empathy, expert guidance and constant reassurance by Ausra, our son managed to sleep 12 hours in his own bed in the third night of the program.
Ausra applied her vast experience really on an individualized basis and listened to the fine tones in our daily accounts which ultimately enabled us to follow adjustments and strike success.
Many thanks Ausra for giving us back our sleep and making our son a Prince of Sleep!
Eva Bilz, Mother of Louis – 24 Months-Old (Germany) 

اسرا الرائعه .. عندما بدأت مع اسرا ظننت ان الموضوع مستحيل .. لان عندي ٣ ابناء ومنذ ولادتهم لم انم متواصل ليلا بسبب الرضاعه او الاستيقاظ دون سبب ..
بدأت مع ابنتي وعمرها ٨ اشهر. حيث انها تصحى في الليل كثيرا. قامت اسرا بعمل خطة نوم لمريم ووضع روتين رائع، واهتمت في ادق التفاصيل من ملابس النوم والسرير وجو الغرفه والاضاءه واوقات النوم والقيلوله ..
اعطتني المعلومات والاهتمام بكل حب بدون تحديد وقت .. اجدها في كل وقت .. اعطتني الدعم بكل ايجابيه و فرح .. وهي تساعدني وتبقى معي حتى تنام مريم صوتا وصوره ..
الحمد لله من اول يوم فالنظام ابنتي نامت متواصل ليلا، لم اتوقع ذلك و كأنه سحر .. من اول يوم ومن دون مبالغه .. الحمد لله. و حتى في القيلوله تنام بعمق ومده اطول ..
تغيرت حياتي بعد معاناتي مع اول طفلين .. انتظمت فالطفل الثالث
تمنيت لو عرفت اسرى منذ ولادتي لاول طفل لان حياتي تغيرت.. اذهب للعمل بنشاط ويومي يكون افضل …
شكرا اسرى .. شكرا لقلبك الكبير وابتسامتك الرائعه و شكرا لاعطائي وقتك الثمين بلا تعب ولا ملل ..
Mouza Alshamsi, Mother of Mariam – 8 Months-Old (United Arab Emirates) 

I knew about Ausra accidentally by Instagram. I was suffering with my newborn’s sleep at that momen,t and I decided to talk to her and start her newborn program hoping for a good sleep for myself & my baby.
Thank’s God, (el7emdallah) I started the program! As a new mom there was a lot of new ideas , tips & tricks that Ausra taught me about in one session. By practicing them we have succeeded. I’m so glad that I found Ausra and had my baby’s sleep routine organized.
People keep saying that the first months of being a mum is hard, but in reality it’s not if you have enough information.
Ghaya Alsuwaidi, Mother of Mouza – 1 Month’s-Old (United Arab Emirates) 

I want to thank you so much for making this happen!
Since I had a baby , I never slept a whole night or even 3 hours at least!!
Now my baby girl is sleeping for 12 hours (الحمدلله)
I was really struggling with her sleep at night, and I was planning to get a nanny or a nurse to stay with her during the night..!
Thank you so much Ausra for your help! You are so supportive and passionate about your work!
When my daughter slept for the first time for a whole night I really could not believe!
I’m so happy with the results that we achieved!
Moza Alhameli, Mother of Mariam – 1 Year 4 Months-Old (United Arab Emirates) 

I don’t have the words to describe King of Sleep service, and how it has changed my life .
My 11- months- old son came after two daughters who were 11-years-old and 12-years-old, so you can imagine how spoiled he was. He was still having milk at night, pacifier, bunny toy, and all kinds of distractions.
I couldn’t sleep at night because he kept waking up all the time. His naps weren’t on time.
When I found out that I was pregnant, I needed to sort out my son’s sleep.
I tried different sleep consultants but no use.
Then, I found Ausra from KING OF SLEEP. She was loving, caring, understanding and so professional.
Now, we sleep all night and my son sleeps through the night. His behavior improved. I learned about many things.
I will be also registering with my next child to teach him to sleep independently, and to teach him to sleep through the night.
I advice every parent out there to consult with Ausra from King of Sleep. She will change your life.
Shamma Mohammed, Mother of Hamdan – 11 Months-Old (UAE)

السلام عليكم
انا ام لبنتين بعمر سنتين و نصف وعمر سنة، وقد عانيت كثيراً من موضوع نوم صغاري، بعدما بدأ موضوع صعوبة نومهم إلى مشاكل زوجية و مشاكل صحية و نفسية لي، اتجهت إلى أسرى، وقد ساعدتني كثيراً بالتعامل مع نومهم وفي نفس الوقت قامت بمساعدتي وبتنظيم مشاركة زوجي ،، شكراً أسرى
Seham Alhammadi, Mother of Meera – 2 Years 3 Months-Old and Joory – 1 Year 1 Month Old (United Arab Emirates) 

I never imagined being able to put my baby in his crib and simply walk out and for him to go to sleep within a minute or two without even protesting!
Well, that’s what happened with my 9 month old from the second night on the sleep training course.
My baby used to wake up every hour to hour and a half every night. On the first night of the program he woke up once and since then he has slept until the morning without waking up!
Ausra was amazing and so great at explaining everything. I am so thankful that my son has learned to self-sooth and can put himself to sleep so easily.
This is life changing. Thank you Ausra for all your help and support!
Fatima Almazrouie, Mother of Ghasham – 9 Month’s Old (UAE) 

First of all I would like to thank Ausra for everything. I very much appreciate your support during this challenging time.
Thank you so much for being there for me. It means more than I can say.
During this time you make a huge difference in my life, my son was sleeping while being rocked and on my lap but now he is sleeping alone in his bed and falls asleep on his own fast and easily!
This incredible change, has changed my life! Thank you again for everything!
Amna Alzaabi, Mother of Hasan – 1 Year 7 Month’s Old (UAE) 

I worked with Ausra to sleep train my 8-month old baby boy who was earlier on a good day getting up 3 times a night and on a bad day would get up every 2 hours.
Her plan helped my baby sleep for 11 to 12 hours from the very first night (which honestly I didn’t think was possible).
Ausra was with us through out the journey and she definitely gave me the strength to go through the plan.
I can’t thank her enough for helping us; bed time now seems like a breeze. Thanks a lot Ausra!
Nishi Vijan, Mother of Viaan – 8 Month’s Old (Australia) 

At the beginning of this program, Ausra told me that I will get my life back, but I didn’t expect a lot since my son was a terrible sleeper and he would wake up like 6-7 times at one night. I was exhausted and didn’t know what to do, my life was a mess since I was sleep-deprived and my son was grumpy and mad most of the days and wanted to stick to me all the time.
But after 3 days of starting the program, he started sleeping all night! Ausra is a very dedicated person and she did a great job. She took care of all the details that would make this work, she would call and follow up and ask all the time.
We could feel she works with all her heart and wants to make a change. She loves what she does and put all her efforts in it.
Now after 2 weeks of the program my son is happier, healthier, in a good mood most of the time and he grew a new 2 teeth during this time! I really got my life back.
I recommend it to everyone who has a sleeping issue with his kid. It will change ur life too!
Marwa Hasan, Mother of Yousef – 12 Months-Old (Jordan) 

I had a problem putting my baby to sleep buy her own she was 11 months and can’t sleep by her self and when she wakes up she can never sooth her self to sleep back. She would wake up every hour to breastfeed. I was tired always so was she.
One night she was waking up every half an hour and she just want to sleep in my arms and she will wake u every time I put her in her bed. I was disparate so I was checking google for ways to let my baby sleep through the night.
That night King of sleep website popped up there was a questionnaire I fill it up and hoped I can get help. The 2nd day I received a call from Ausra I felt there was someone who know exactly what I feel after that call I can say my life had changed.
When I stared the program with Asura I was shocked by the results I saw from day 1. My daughter slept through the night I was relaxed and happy so was she.
Ausra is one of the best people to work with. Very honest, caring and understanding, she knows exactly what she is doing and very professional.
Thank you Ausra for changing my life for the best. I advice every mom to never say its too early or too late to start sleep training for their baby trust me its worth it and your life will change.
Jenan Shaban, Mother of Mira – 11 Months-Old (Jordan) 

Ausra has truly given us our sleep back, after 10 months of our 3 year old waking multiple times a night we didn’t think it would end but just 10 nights into our program, our daughter was staying in bed 12 hours.
It is a huge relief for the whole family and we would wholeheartedly recommend Ausra’s service to any other struggling parents.
Samantha & John Daly, Parents of Isla, 3-Years -Old (Scotland & Ireland)

Months of sleepless nights and stressful days made me dial Ausra one day. She made me believe that we can put an end to all this and honestly, I didn’t believe it at first.
But today after successfully completing the program, I can proudly say that Sleep training our son was the best decision we made, and it turned out to be an idea that changed our life.
I feel like I’m back to the real world again and we finally have time for each other.
Our son sleeps for straight 11 hours through the night and is much active and happier in the day. His naps are also falling in place slowly.
Ausra was very responsive and caring throughout the program. She was genuinely involved in the process and strived hard to resolve every doubt we had. I highly recommend her services to every parent.
Rupali Patil, Mother of Kabir – 7 Months-Old (India) 

أريد أن أشكر المدربة أوسرا على جهودها الكبيرة لتدريب ابنتي على النوم المتواصل، حقيقة في بداية الأمر لم أكن موافقا على الاستعانه بمدربة نوم لابنتي على الرغم من المعاناة الشديدة التي كنا نعاني منها وذلك لكون ابنتي تستيقظ في الليل من ثلاث الى خمس مرات مما تسبب في ارهاق شديد لي ولزوجتي كوننا نعمل ونستيقظ في الصباح الباكر.. بالاضافة الى كون مزاج ابنتي طوال النهار سيء بسبب قلة النوم ليلا.. الا انني لم اكن مقتنعا ان احدا سيستطيع مساعدتنا لحل هذه المشكلة لانني كنت على يقين ان سلوكيات الاطفال في النوم لا تتغير .. الا انه وبعد فترة وبسبب الارهاق الشديد من قلة النوم وافقت على طلب زوجتي لطلب المساعدة من اوسرا ولم اكن مقتنعا انها ستستطيع فعلا مساعدتنا.. ولكن مجرد مجازفة.. الا انني تفاجأت من التغيير في طفلتي من ثالث ليلة وقلت عدد مرات استيقاظها ليلا .. والآن وبعدالانتهاء من التدريب ومرور ثلاث اسابيع طفلتي تنام ليلا براحة اكبر وبشكل متواصل الحمدلله .. وكل هذا بفضل الله اولا ومن ثم المدربة اوسرا التي أثرتنا بمعلومات جديدة عن سلوكيات الطفل للنوم.. بالاضافة الى الدعم والمساندة طوال اليوم والتعليمات المستمرة اولا بأول لزوجتي مما اسهم في نجاح المهمه .. أنصح جميع الآباء الذين يواجهون اطفالهم مشاكل في النوم بطلب المساعدة والتأكد ان لكل مشكله حل ..
Ali Alhammadi, Father of Salama – 10 Months Old (UAE) 

Working with Ausra towards getting our baby the undisturbed and peaceful sleep she deserves has been the best investment we have made for our family.
Our baby after 7 months of sleeping in her crib, in our bedroom suddenly started co-sleeping with us, which, not only disturbed her sleep but increased her reliance on feeding to sleep, multiple sleep feeds and overall less sleep for both her and us. Even her day sleep did not last for more than 30 mins. After consulting with Ausra she now sleeps 11-12 hours straight in the night and takes two naps of total 3 hrs. The routine has improved her feed intake, her alertness and activeness throughout the day.
We are grateful to Ausra for patiently guiding us throughout the program and assuring us at every step. She has been amazing, always available to answer our questions and clear any doubt we may have had.
Ausra is an absolute pleasure to work with. Our daughter is now much happier and a better sleeper. We highly recommend King of Sleep!
Aditi Jana, Mother of Myra – 9 Months Old (India) 

I absolutely loved working with Ausra! She helped my baby so much, which in return helped me !
So glad that we got to do this program!
Hamda Jamal, Mother of Shamsa – 8 Months Old ( United Arab Emirates) 

When I first heard about the program, I honestly couldn’t imagined that it will solve our baby sleeping issue, because we were really struggling on a daily basis for 10 months !!
But we decided to go on the free consultation call with Ausra, and she explained the process very well and promised us that our baby will be sleeping properly but with the condition that we will follow the program strictly.
Alhamdulilah, today after we have completed the program our baby learned how to sleep by her own and most importantly how to go back to sleep in case she woke up at the middle of the night.
If you are planning to give your wife a gift trust me this is your best option 🙂
Thank you Ausra!
Abdulkarim Abdallah, Father of Sarah – 10 Months Old (Saudi Arabia) 

We knew King of Sleep by a word of mouth and received all services from the distance; and, let me say the results were truly stunning! Ausra is very helpful and she has lots of knowledge and experience. She made our life much easier, our baby more enjoyable and, most importantly, she made our baby sleep much much better! Overall, King of Sleep has had a major positive impact on the wellbeing of our baby and the quality of our “new” life with our new family member 🙂
Yahia Ghmrawi, Father of Lina – 5 Months Old (Saudi Arabia) 
Working with Ausra to sleep train my girl was one of the best things I’ve done. I’m so satisfied with the results, it’s been almost a month since I started, and it’s been great!
Dr. Ola Samman, Mother of Lina – 5 Months Old (Saudi Arabia) 

لا اعلم كيف لي ان اشكر اوسرا على هذا التدريب، كل الذي كان مستحيلاً اصبح واقعاً اعيشه تغيرات جذرية في نوم ابني حصلت خلال أيام قليلة. كنت أنا و ابني متعبين جداً من قلة النوم كان هو متعب و في مزاج سيئ أغلب الوقت و قد وصلت إلى حد الإكتئاب بسبب معاناة قلة النوم. كنت أقوم بكل شي لجعلة يحظى بقيلوله و لا أبالغ كانت محاولاتي احياناً تمتد لساعة و في النهاية أحياناً ينام لمده 5-10 دقايق و أحياناً كثيرة محاولاتي هذي لا تجدي. و أما عن نوم الليل فكان لا يستطيع النوم إلا إذا كان مستلقي بجواري و يرضع و يستمر في الرضاعة طوال الليل و حالما أوقف الرضاعه يفيق و يبكي لأكمل رضاعته حتى يستطيع الاستمرار في النوم. و كان كثيراً ما يعاني من الانتفاخات بسبب الرضاعه المستمرة طوال الليل، كنت لا استطيع النوم بسبب رضاعته المستمره. في السيارة كان يبكي طوال الوقت لانه يشعر بالنعاس و لا يستطيع النوم. كل هذه المعاناه أصبحت من الماضي تغير نوم ابني تماما و تغيرت كثير من الأشياء، قل بكاءه تحسن سلوكه و مزاجه تحسنت رغبته للطعام، أصبح طفل آخر أصبح اكثر سعادة و أكثر نشاط. أوسرا لم تدرب ابني على النوم فقط، أوسرا غيرت أشياء كثيرة في حياتنا، أوسرا أنقذتني من الإكتئاب و أعادت لنا بهجة الحياة. أحببت في أوسرا حرصها على الفائدة هي لا تسعى للمال فقط بل تسعى لتحقيق هدفك من التدريب، تبقى على تواصل دائم توفر الدعم بكل الطرق، دقيقه جداً في معلوماتها. هي بكل بساطة محترفة و متقنة لعملها . لكل أم تعاني من مشاكل في نوم ابنها لا تتردي في تدريب ابنك، حياتك و حياك ابنك ستتغير للأفضل و ستعلمين ان المبلغ المدفوع للتدريب هو لا شي مقابل الفائدة التي تسحصلين عليها.
Alanoud Alabdouli, Mother of Abdullah – 7 Months Old (UAE) 

كنت أعاني من مشكله النوم مع عيسى ،قبل لا ينام يشرب الحليب وينام وتعود ع هذه الحاله، بعدين خذيت هالاستشاره والحمدلله طفلي ينام طول ليل ابصرااااحه ما كنت متوقعه ،
انصح كل حد ابصرااااحه يجرب لأنكم بترتاحوا نفسيا
Heba Al Saeedi, Mother of Eissa – 8 Months Old (Oman) 

Ausra is truly a blessing for me and my daughter Myra. I cannot thank her enough for the support and encouragement she has given me before we even started the program with her.
My daughter Myra was diagnosed with liver jaundice at three months and we had to take her to the UK overnight. We were constantly in and out of the hospital in the UK for 9 months. She was put on special milk to increase her weight. Due to her medical condition, we were advised not to sleep train her. With time Myra’s jaundice disappeared and touchwood she put on weight. We moved back to Dubai. Myra’s liver is still swollen and still needs to be monitored. Myra could not sleep for more than 1-2 hours at night. She had to be rocked back to sleep in my arms every-time she woke up and it was a struggle to put her in the cot as she had to be fast asleep. My daughter was sleep deprived for 11 months and I was desperate for her to sleep.
With gods wish I found Ausra’s website and contacted her. This has to be one of the best decisions I have made for Myra. My daughter is sleeping through the night without my help independently. Ausra is a great teacher, she is patient and very understanding. She has become part of our family and I cannot thank her enough for all the help and support she has given us.
After 11 months, I am finally able to enjoy a meal and a movie with my husband. And more importantly, sleep like my daughter Myra. Thank you, Ausra for giving us your advice and help. I will miss speaking to you. Wish you all the best for the future!
Rehana Taib, Mother of Myra, 11-Months Old (UK) 

Our 5-month old was hardly getting any sleep. At night, he would awaken every two hours crying and refusing to sleep without being held and rocked. He was sleeping for no more than seven hours a night (most of it in two-hour intervals), but hardly getting any deep sleep. During the day he would refuse to sleep in his crib. We became very worried that his lack of sleep was affecting his development; he became fussy and irritable and no longer playful. We tried hard to sleep train him following guidelines from some of the best-sold books on baby sleep on Amazon.
We were about to give up and accept that our baby (and we!) would continue to suffer from a lack of sleep for the next six months until he ‘learned’ somehow to sleep on his own. Fortunately, one of our friends referred us to the consulting services of King of Sleep; It was the best investment we have made towards our baby’s health (and hour peace of mind)!
King of Sleep created a customized sleep and feeding schedule for our son, and offered us a step-by-step plan to train him; along with nearly 20-hour a day remote support and monitoring.
The first three days of the training were difficult and took a lot of commitment from our side, but amazingly by the third day, our son slept in his crib without needing to be soothed!
This had a huge impact on our lives. Our son is now a lot more alert and playful during the day (and less fussy!). My husband and I have a lot of time for ourselves in the evening and we very rarely have to wake up at night to tend to our son.
King of Sleep taught us a lot of “tricks” for improving our baby’s sleep that we couldn’t find in any of the best-selling baby sleep books out there. It is one of the best investments that I have made for my baby and ourselves. We gave our baby the gift of sound sleep and ourselves, peace of mind.
Hind, Mother of Khaled – 5-Months-Old (Saudi Arabia) 

I never imagined being able to put my baby in his crib and simply walk out and for him to go to sleep within a minute or two without even protesting!
Well, that’s what happened with my 9-month-old from the second night on the sleep training course.
My baby used to wake up every hour to hour and a half every night, on the first night he woke up once and since then he has slept until the morning without waking up!
Ausra was amazing and so great at explaining everything. I am so thankful that my son has learned to self-sooth and can put himself to sleep so easily. This is life changing.
Thank you Ausra for all your help and support!
Fatima Almazrouei, Mother of Ghasham, 9-Months-Old (UAE)

I reached out to Ausra when I almost reached my limits and I was totally exhausted physically and mentally.
My son’s doctor referred me to her.
She is so kind and sweet and dealt with my baby like hers. She was always in contact all the time. I was happy knowing her and would always recommend her.
Muna Yusuf, Mother of Yusuf – 9-Months-Old (Somalia) 

Our 3-years old son had been suffering from sleep apnea due to enlarged adenoids and tonsils for a couple of years. His situation got worse over the past 6 months and we had to keep him in bed with us to monitor his breathing regularly.
Once he underwent surgery and he was back to breathing normally, it was very challenging to convince him to go back to sleep in his own bed/bedroom.
We decided to reach out to Ausra upon recommendation from a friend. While we knew w ante to follow a gradual approach to minimize the tears, we needed someone to guide us through this delicate journey.
Ausra was very instrumental in providing us with advice and coming up with a customized plan that works for “us” as we wanted to do it our way. She was extremely flexible and knowledgeable and provided very practical advice and out-of-box thinking as we faced some tricky situations along the way. I would highly recommend working with her.
Aala Bakr, Mother of Ahmed – 3-Years-Old (Saudi Arabia) 

I decided to reach out to Ausra once again with my second child.
My 9-month old baby had gotten into the habit of being carried / rocked to sleep. She would wake up very frequently during the night and she hardly napped.
While I had been reading up quite a bit on sleep training, I didn’t have the courage to pursue it on my own.
Ausra provided me with the validation I needed and gave me the confidence to pursue the plan. She also helped me navigate through some tricky situations since my daughter was teething while we were undergoing the program.
We now have a well-rested and much happier baby. I regret not having started earlier.
Aala Bakr, Mother of Anya – 9 Months Old (Saudi Arabia)

كنت اعاني من مشكلة النوم مع طفلتي منذ ولادتها حتى اكملت 5 شهور، حيث انها كانت تنام فقط اثناء الرضاعة او عن طريق هزها. كل من حولي كان يقولون لي انها مرحلة و سوف تعدي و لكن مع مرور الشهور كانت تسوء حالتها اكثر فلم اعد اعلم ما سبب بكائها المستمر. عندما يأست من حال طفلتي قمت ببعض البحوثات و بالصدفه وجدت استشارية النوم أوسرا، تواصلت معها وقمت بالجلسة الاستشارية ، فالبداية لم اكن واثقة كثيرا بانني ساحصل على النتيجة التي اريدها و لكن عندما قمت بتطبيق جميع الخطوات التي اعطتني اياها أوسرا تفاجأت كثيرا منذ اليوم الاول. اصبحت طفلتي الان تنام طوال الليل لمدة 12 ساعة بدون رضاعة علما باني ارضعها رضاعة طبيعية. الان انا سعيدة جدا لان لدي طاقة لاستمتع مع .طفلتي و وقت لانجز فيه الكثير من مهامي اليومية وأحظى بوقتي الخاص. لا استطيع شكر أوسرا كفاية لانها لم تكن بحاجة لمتابعة طفلتي بشكل يومي لكنها اعطتني من وقتها اكثر من ما يلزمني. فالنهاية هذا من فضل الله تعالى اولا، ثم مساعدة أوسرا لي والحمدلله.
Aisha Al Naqbi, Mother of Mira – 5 Months Old (UAE) 

عن تجربتي الشخصية ، أود شكر أوسرا من كل قلبي.. منذو ولادة ابني الأول حتى اكمل ثلاثة أشهر لم أكن أعرف ما سبب بكاءه المتواصل ؛ حتى أصبح معروفا لدى العائلة بالطفل الباكي ، وظللت آخذ بنصائح الجميع عن سبب بكاءه ؛ ربما من الانتفاخ ، ربما كمية الحليب قليله ، ربما تغير المكان بسبب تنقلنا أسبوعيا كل نهاية اسبوع.. وفحصته عند ستة أطباء بعضهم يقول :” ليس به شي وطبيعي بكاء الطفل ” ، وبعضهم يوصف له دواء الانتفاخ فقط.. كنت دائمة الشك ان السبب آخر ويكفي التجارب فيه وأنها مرحله وستنتهي بنهاية عامه الأول ، مثل ما كانو يقولوا لي ، وعلي التعايش مع بكاءه.. خلال تلك الفترة حصلت على جلسه استشاريه لمساعدة الطفل على النوم من قبل شركة سمارت سيلز المختصه بحفظ دم الحبل السري للطفل عند الولاده.. في البدايه ظننت انه لا بأس باخذ الاستشاره لم أكن أعرف فائدتها.. للاسف ليس لدينا انتشار لثقافة الاهتمام بنوم الطفل وجميعا مصدقين ان الطفل في بدايته طبيعي ان يكون متعب ونومه قليل.. بعد أخذ الاستشاره فهمت احتياج ابني الشديد للنوم ، وان كثرة بكاءه ؛ انه لاياخذ كفايته من النوم مع اني أحاول تنويمه ولكن كانت طريقتي خطأ.. مع الإستشارية اوسرا فهمت طبيعة طفلي ووضعت لي خطه خاصه به لمتابعة نومه ، وبدأت اول يوم لم اصدق ابني اكمل ليلته الأولى بدون ان يستيقظ ! ، وفهمت انه هذا مايجب ان يحدث الطفل يحتاج في عمره ان ينام من ١٠ الى ١٢ ساعه ليلا متواصلا.. ومن خلال البرنامج الذي وضعته لي الاسشارية أوسرا تبين ان لدي مشكله في رضاعه طفلي ؛ لم يكن يرضع بطريقه صحيحه ، وشاركتني من خلال تجربتها مع ابنها كيف ارضع ابني ويشبع لكي ينام الليل كله مع مراعات فترات القيلوله نهارا. فعلا لاحظت على الاستشارية أوسرا انها تعمل بمهنية عالية وضمير ، وكانت على تواصل دائم معي في اي وقت تتابع حالة ابني وتسأل وتذكرني وتنبهني على أي خطأ ؛ ذلك ماساعدني كثيرا ، ليست كأي مختص آخر لديه وقت محدد وكلامه بحدود باقة الاشتراك لكن الاستشارية أوسرا فعلا كانت تهتم بأبني كأنه ابنها تعطينا كل وقتها وتزودني بجميع المعلومات الإضافية.. اخيرا أود القول بأني وابني استمتعنا كثيرا الحمدلله بعد الكورس أصبح ينام اكثر ، يصحى في الصبح وهو مرتاح ، يبتسم الحمدلله ، بكاءه قل بشكل ملحوظ عند اهلي أصبح يومه ويومي منظم اكثر وأصبح لي وقتي الخاص ، وكما ان زوجي لاحظ التغيير فابننا لله الحمد.. أنصح الجميع باخذ الاستشاره عند الاستشارية أوسرا ، فنوم الطفل بطريقة صحيحه وصحيه جدا مهم لنمو جسمه وعقله. كل الشكر والتقدير.. ”
Mira Bin Shaqoui, Mother of Mansoor – 3 Months Old (UAE) 

The best decision we made for our little baby is to sleep train him with Ausra. We have an 8 month old son who I have been struggling with to sleep since he turned 3 months old.
I couldn’t keep him sleeping more than 2 hours during the night, and it was getting worse as he got older and we reached a point that he can only sleep with me while nursing from my breast all night !! I forgot how sleeping more than 2 hours feel like until I found Ausra, the owner of King of Sleep. What she did for our baby I call it a miracle, and we saw huge leaps for Rashid from Night 1 !!
Sleep training is not an easy process, but Ausra managed to make it tolerable and doable. She took care of our baby and at the same time help us as a sensitive parent to be strong, keep on going, and make it happen. She is an amazing person, so caring, generous, and passionate. She gave us all the time we need and was always there for us for any call, inquiry or any concern.
The amount we paid for her service is not even close to what she really gives from her time, effort and knowledge.
If you need some rest and want to have a healthy sleeping baby, go for Ausra !!
Alya Al Zari, Mother of Rashid – 8 Months Old (UAE) 

I have been struggling with my 13 months old baby for 1 year as he keeps waking every 2 to 3 hours.
I have tried everything including sleep training on my own. Nothing worked and my baby feels tired a lot as he hasn’t been sleeping properly for a long time.
After I started the program with Ausra, I saw the changes from the first couple of days and by the end of the 2 week program my baby is sleeping for 12 hours straight and his naps are 1 to 2 hours straight.
He is very well rested now and, I have more energy as well. The best part about this program is the constant support we got from Ausra for the whole duration of the program
. It makes it much easier and I started to understand my baby sleeping behavior much better now.
Thank you Ausra for this magnificent program and for your help 😊
Iyad Al Qershi, Father of Yacoub – 13-Month’s-Old (Yemen) 

أود التقدم بالشكر الاستشارية أوسرا.. عن تجربة شخصية لابنتي البالغة من العمر ٦ اشهور، حيث انني كنت أعاني معها من قلة النوم والنوم الخفيف ، كانت ابنتي لاتنام الا بالرضاعة الطبيعية او الهز ، وكانت هذه الطريقه لها تاثير سلبي على عملية الهضم ، وقررت بالعمل على تعديل ووضع نظام للنوم وبدت مع الاستشارية اوسرا وكانت النتائج ملموسه من اول ليله نامت طفلتي ليله كامل. انصح كل ام تعمل على تنظيم وتعليم طفلها عمليه النوم الصحيحة لما لها تاثير إيجابي على النمو وصحة الطفل.
Afra Al Muhairi, Mother of Fatma – 6 Months Old (UAE) 

When I first heard about the program, I honestly couldn’t imagine that it will solve our baby’s sleeping issue because we were really struggling on a daily basis for 10 months!!
But when we decided to go on the free consultation call with Ausra, and she explained the process very well, and promised us that our baby will be sleeping properly but with the condition that we will follow the program strictly.
Alhamdulilah, today after we have completed the program, our baby learned how to sleep on her own and most importantly how to go back to sleep in case she woke up in the middle of the night.
If you are planning to give your wife a gift, trust me, this is your best option.
Abdulkarim Abdallah, Father of Sarah – 10 Months Old (Saudi Arabia)

أُسره استشارية نوم مخلصه جداً محبه و شغوفه بعملها، مشروع ترتيب نوم طفلك سيكون مشروعها الخاص وستبذل كل ماتملك من جهد واخلاص لمساعدتك في تحقيق أهدافك، أُسره كانت الصديقه المرشده أكثر من كونها مستشاره. رغم صعوبة عملية تدريب الطفل خاصه اذا كان فوق عمر السنه الا ان خبرتها ومعلومتها تجعل التجربه اسهل من واقعها. أنصح بشده التعامل معها.
اشتريت من عندها ايضا اكياس النوم الخاصه بلأطفال ولم اندم ابدا حتى الآن لم اجد افضل من جودتها.
اكتب هذا الرأي بعد مرور مدة طويله من تدريب ابنتي الا انني مازلت استمع لنصائح أسره تتردد في مسمعي وباذن الله سأطبق كل نصائحها على جميع ابنائي. شكرًا من القلب أُسره
Asma Omar, Mother of Noura – 1 Year and 3 Months Old (UAE) 

Josephine Gomes, Mother of Ari, – 8 Months Old (India) 

” I would like to thank Ms. Ausra for providing me with the best sleeping methods for my twins! I mostly followed everything that she has told me and ellhamdellah within one week it has worked with my two angels ( 3 months old). Before that, I was suffering from their crying without understanding them, but when I learned from Ms. Ausra, I know it’s really working and I can control them easily now.
It was my pleasure meeting Ms. Ausra and I’m happy for this opportunity because your program really added a great value to my daily life!”
Wedad Alabdouli, Mother of Hamed & Saif – 3 Months Old (UAE) 

I can’t recommend Ausra highly enough.
She is very knowledgeable & experienced and incredibly easy to work with.
With her guidance and great support, we have achieved positive results within 2 days!
Ausra will not do the job for you but will give essential tools to help your baby sleep. I never thought my baby girl will be sleeping through the night at the age of 10 months but Ausra proved me wrong.
This has been the most amazing experience as our daughter is a much happier child after a good night rest. Thank you once again for your great service.
Dainora Al Nakeeb, Mother of Maryam – 10 Months Old (Lithuania) 

My 9-month-old daughter had sleep issues from day 1.
I tried every possible way I found on the internet to put her to sleep. I started becoming sleep-deprived and stressed. I didn’t have time for anything. All I was doing was to put her to sleep.
Being an Indian mom, sleep training was a very new concept for me. I had very little sources to know more about it. I contacted Ausra and she helped me find answers to most of my doubts on my baby’s sleep. She was very informative.
I did Ayra’s sleep training and alhamdulillah from day1 onwards I could see the difference.
Ausra gave me detailed procedures on what I should do and why was I doing it that way. Alhamdulillah by the end of the first week my daughter went from waking every 2hrs to sleeping through the night.
I got my life back. I could go out, meet my friends, and be happy and stress-free. The biggest tension in my life now became my biggest strength and relief because now I know alhamdulillah my daughter would sleep and I will get time to get my things done.
Thank you, Ausra! This was indeed a life changer for me.
Ajmi Sultana, Mother of Ayra – 9 Months-Old (Indian) 

” I was really struggling with my daughter. I didn’t have a routine and I didn’t know what to do when she cried especially during the night. I was lost and I felt my life was over…
When it comes to your own children, it becomes very difficult to know how to manage and what to do. I highly recommend Ausra. She is very knowledgeable, polite and professional. She is always available whenever you need her.
Ausra brought joy back to my life! Her sleep training program is excellent and it does work! I was a bit skeptical at the beginning but trust me, Ausra’s sleep training program is brilliant and I am very happy to say my 5-months old daughter now sleeps through the night with no struggles! She now has a routine during the day and I know exactly what to do. I have my life back now!
I can spend better quality time with my family and we are all happy and sleeping better. I and my husband can’t thank Ausra enough for her help as we couldn’t have done this without her.
I strongly recommend Ausra’s expertise to any struggling parents. Her program is worth every penny spent!
Ausra, thank you very much for your great help!”