Tag Archives: Parents

4 Months Sleep Regression

4 months sleep regression is a sleep challenge that many babies between three and five [...]


How to Know if Your Child Has A Sleep Problem?

Many parents believe that their child is just a “poor sleeper” and he doesn’t require [...]

Is Your Child’s Sleep Problem Caused by Night-time Feedings?

Have you ever thought how night-time feedings could affect your child’s sleep? Is your child’s [...]

Here’s Why Your Baby is Waking up so Early

Many parents complain that their children are waking up too early. This definitely makes parenting [...]


When Can I Make Exceptions?

One of my biggest rules for parents who are sleep training is to remain consistent. [...]


Why Should I Hire A Sleep Consultant?

“With all the information that’s readily available online, and the resources you have at your [...]

Is Sleep As Important As Diet?

I’m sure you can guess what my answer is to this question, since I am, [...]

Can I Bed Share And Sleep Train?

No. You can’t. Sorry to be so concise, but that’s the straightforward answer. We can [...]

4 Tips For Getting Your Baby To Sleep Better

“What should be done eventually, must be done immediately.”  This was a quote from a [...]